Dauntless Aviation
Airports South America Ecuador


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
SEZR Surik Nuevo Airstrip Surikentza
SETH TSC Taisha Airport Taisha
SEZM Tamantza Airstrip Tamantza
Tambillo Airport Tambillo
Tambo Airstrip Tambo
Tambo Borja Airstrip Tambo Borja
SEGN Tanguntza Airstrip Tanguntza
Tapatla Airstrip Rocafuerte
Taracoa Airstrip Taracoa
SEGT Tarangaro Airstrip Tarangaro
SETR TPC Tarapoa Airport Tarapoa
SEWG Tarimiant Airstrip Tarimiant
SETA Taura Air Base Virgen de Fatima
SEEK Tekerika Suraka Airstrip Tekerika Suraka
SETG Tenguel Airport Tenguel
SEAV Teniente Pablo Valdéz Carvallo Heliport Santa Rosa
Teresa Mama Airstrip Teresa Mama
SETI TPN Tiputini Airport Tiputini
SETW Tiwaeno Airstrip Tiwaeno
SEXT Tres Marias Airport Tres Marias
SETS Tsentsakentza Airstrip Bacundo
SESK Tsunkintza Airstrip Tsunkintza
SEZE Tzapapentza Airstrip Tzapapentza
SEZN Tzapino Airstrip Tzapino
SEUW Unswantz Airstrip Uunt Suants
SEUQ Untsurientsa Airstrip Untsuri Entsa
SEUY Uyuimi Airstrip Uyuimi
Villano Airstrip Villano
SEVN Vinces Airport Vinces
SEWA Wachirpas Airstrip Wachirpas
SEWP Wampuik Airstrip Wampuik
SEWR Warientza Airstrip Warientza
SEWT Waruintza Airstrip Waruintza
Wasakentza Airstrip Wasakentza
SEWZ Washintsa Airport Washintsa
SEWH Washintza Airport Washintza
SEWK Wasurak Airstrip Wasurak
SEWY Wayusentsa Airstrip Wayusentsa
SEWE Wentado Airstrip Wentado
SEWI Wichimi Airstrip Wichimi
SEWM Wiririma Airstrip Wiririma
SEWU Wisui Airstrip Wisui
SEWO Wongkinmay Airport Buena Fe
SEWN Wusui Norte Airstrip Wusui Norte
SEYP Yaapi Airstrip Yaapi
SEYX Yamaran Airstrip Yamaran
SEYM Yampuna Airstrip Yampuna
SEYN Yanayaku Airstrip Yanayaku
SEYD Yandana – Entsa Airstrip Pastaza
SEYK Yankuntza Airstrip Yankuntza
SEYS Yasnunka Airstrip Yasnunka
SEYA Yaupi Airstrip Yaupi
SEYW Yawaentza Airstrip Yawaentza
Yuca Life Airstrip
SEYT Yutsuntz Airstrip Yutsuntz
SEYV Yuvientza Airstrip Yuvientza
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Dauntless Aviation

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