Dauntless Aviation
Airports Europe Germany

Cottbus-Drewitz Airport (Closed)

Jänschwalde, BR, GERMANY

Airport Info
Suggest Updated Information for this Airport


Latitude / Longitude: 51°53'21"N / 14°31'54"E
  51°53.364'N / 14°31.914'E
  51.8894 / 14.5319

Nearby radio navigation aids

DRW DREWITZ NDB. 247.5° 1.2nm from DRW to field.

Runway Information

Runway 07 /25

Dimensions: 8150 x 148 ft.
Surface: ASP
Runway 07
Runway 25
Latitude: 51.885458 51.893489
Longitude: 14.515156 14.548819
Elevation: 251 ft. 251 ft.
Runway true heading: 69 249

Runway 07L/25R

Dimensions: 6562 x 164 ft.
Surface: ASP
Runway 07L
Runway 25R
Latitude: 51.887917 51.893675
Longitude: 14.519678 14.5472
Elevation: 274 ft. 274 ft.
Runway true heading: 69 249
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